Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012


Heute ist der SOPA - PIPA Day. Soll hiessen, dass viele Webseiten, die in US gehostet werden aus Protest offline gehen, darunter auch die Wikipedia. Ihr könnt auf verschiedene Arten gegen SOPA und PIPA Protestieren. Ihr könnt eure US Website schliessen, oder einfach den Content durch eine Anti-SOPA Ansprache ersetzen.

Auch wir vom Hitchhickers Guide to the Net wollen gegen SOPA protestieren:

SOPA and PIPA is trying to attack the core idea of the Internet. This core idea is the free information transfer without any barriers in between. SOPA and PIPA is the attempt of the US to create some kind of censorship of the net. Imagine it: you're posting something into your blog. The US-Gov don't like what you have written, so they simply blocking your blog. This is not a solution. This is not helping to fight crime. On the contrary, this only prevents the public to see this type of crime. It's like a firewall between the information in the net and what actually is.
This is not what we want. We want a free Internet for all and everyone. We don't need any regulation of the nets content. We are not watching without any comment, when you're trying to destroy the creativity in the net.
You're yet another step into the direction of a police state.

Fight against SOPA, 
Fight against censorship.

And fight for the Freedom of the Net!

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